your application form. We cannot and specifically do not guarantee ner vouch for anybody else, but we do hope that screening through the application form and pledge will go far to eliminate those who do not properly belong to our group. It is further hoped that as local groups get underway that they will undertake some serious con- tributions to the tetal effort and this is another reason for lim- iting our social efforts to those who show a real interest, desire and sincerity in furthering the whole field as well as in having a good time themselves. I hope that under this new two-sided arran- gement that we can draw all FPs into a co-operating unit under one aspect or the ether. United we can do something, thing.
The first FPE action aimed at education is going out this month in the form of a reprint of Virginia's article from SEXOLOGY, a beautiful bit of biographical writing by one of us and which will appear in TVia soon, a particularly expressive letter recently re- ceived from a new reader, together with a covering and explanatory letter. All this is being mailed to over 1300 Psychiatric Clinics around the country. It is hoped it will stimulate awareness of the field and more interest on the part of Psychiatrists. The costs of this project have come from the membership fees paid by these joining FPE. Other projects for the enlightenment of the legal as well as the medical profession are in the works. All educational effort takes money, so I make a frank solicitation for your finan- cial support of the FOUNDATION FOR PERSONALITY EXPRESSION, its your battle tee!
I would like to give public recognition and thanks to one who has really done her part in this work. You will all remember Alice (5-H-3FPE) as the "Leopard Girl in TVia #6. Alice works at a job that normally does not pay a lot of money. She also had a fire last year that wiped out her whole wardrobe. Yet in spite of both of these matters she has become the first one to be a BENEFACTOR MEMBER ●f FPE with her contribution of $100 to its work. This evi- dence of confidence in the purposes of the organization and teken of appreciation of what TVia has meant to her is wonderful and speaking for the whole group, I'd like to extend our deep thanks to Alice for her generosity. This gift has made the formation of the non-profit corporation possible new instead of later. If oth- ers feel the same enthusiasm as Alice, even though net in 3 fig- ures, we will soon have an organization to be proud of. Other min- orities have organized to study, publicize and educate, why should- n't wo?